Notices under the Trustee Act 1925
The following notice is in substitution for that which appeared on page 3671 of The London Gazette dated 30th March 1999:
Notice is hereby given that by Order of the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales dated 22nd January 1999, Austin Michael Henry King, of Stone King Solicitors, was appointed Receiver and Manager of the Tracheotomy Patients Aid Fund registration number 327795 (“the Charity”). Any person having a claim against or interest in the Charity is hereby required to send particulars in writing of their claims or interests to the Receiver and Manager, at the address below, before 22nd June 1999. And notice is hereby given that at the expiration of that time the Receiver and Manager will proceed to distribute the funds of the Charity amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims and interests of which he shall then have had notice, and that he will not as respects the Charity funds so distributed, be liable to any person or persons of whose claim he shall not then have had notice. A. M. H. King, Stone King, 13 Queen Square, Bath BA1 2HJ. 26th March 1999.