Notice of Intended Dividends
Notice of Intended Dividends
EXCELSIOR PRINTERS SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED . Address of Registered Office—City Gate Unit, Nobel Road, Eley Estate, London N.18. Nature of Business—Printers, Engineers and Dealers. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—4805 of 1986. Amount per £—4.95892p. First and Final or otherwise—Second and Final. When Payable—7th June 1999. Where Payable—Midland Bank Chambers, 62 High Street, March, Cambridgeshire PE15 9LD. Name of Liquidator and Address—Neville Richard Eckley, Midland Bank Chambers, 62 High Street, March, Cambridgeshire PE15 9LD. 17th May 1999.