Notice of Intended Dividends
In the High Court of Justice. No. 11576 of 1992 MICHAEL BRENDAN KEADY AND LEONIE THERESA KEADY Trading as the Speedway Cafe, 120 Uxbridge Road, Hanwell, London W.7.
Notice is hereby given that I intend to declare a Dividend to Creditors of the above-named Debtors herein within a period of 4 months from the last date of proving. Last day for receiving proofs: 30th November 1999. Creditors are required, on or before the above date, to send their full names and addresses and particulars of their claims against the Debtors, as at 2nd November 1992, together with their proofs of debt to Laurence J. Baehr, the Trustee in Bankruptcy of the above-named Debtors, at Baehr Lubbock Fine, Russell Bedford House, City Forum, 250 City Road, London EC1V 2QQ, or in default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of the First and Final distribution. Any Creditor who has not proved their debt by 30th November 1999 will be excluded from any dividend payable. L. J. Baehr, Trustee 25th October 1999.