Notices under the Trustee Act 1925
Re: The Trusts of the Design Council Pension Scheme (“the Scheme”) established by
a deed dated 6th March 1957 made between Samuel Clement Leslie and John Tregent Weyman
on behalf of the Design Council (under its former name of the Council of Industrial
Design (“The Principal Employer”) and the then Trustees of the Scheme.
Notice is hereby given that the Principal Employer gave notice to wind up the Scheme
on 30th September 1999. The wind up commenced on 31st March 2000. Any person (including
any person who worked on a part-time basis for the Principal Employer or the Crafts
Council while it participated in the Scheme) having a claim against or interest in
the Scheme (of which Ivan Yates, Roy Williams, Mervyn Unger and Tony Ford (“the Trustees”)
are the present trustees) is hereby required to send written particulars of his or
her claim or interest to the address given below on or before 2nd October 2000. After
that date the Trustees will proceed to distribute the assets of the Scheme amongst
the persons entitled to them having regard only to the claims and interests of which
the Trustees shall then have had notice. The Trustees will not, as regards the assets
of the Scheme or any part thereof so distributed, be liable to any person of whose
claim or interest they shall not then have had notice.
Notification is not required from anyone who has at any stage received communications
relating to the Scheme from the Trustees. Persons who have changed their address since
receiving their last communication from the Trustees should reply with details of
their new address.
Please reply to Mr. Chris Edwards, the Secretary to the Design Council Pension Scheme
Trustees, c/o Bacon & Woodrow, St. Olaf House, London Bridge City, London SE1 2PE.