Notices under the Trustee Act 1925
IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT THE DESIGN COUNCIL PENSION SCHEME(“the Scheme)” The Scheme provides benefits for employees, former employees (and their dependants) of the Design Council and the Crafts Council. Winding-up of the Scheme commenced on 31st March 2000 and it is anticipated that the Scheme will be wound up shortly. The assets of the Scheme will be used to meet its liabilities. It is important that all the liabilities of the Scheme are known to the Scheme’s Trustees before all the Scheme assets are distributed. If you think you have any claim or interest under the Scheme please write to the Trustees at the address given below before 2nd October 2000 giving details of your period of relevant employment and pensionable service. After that date it is anticipated that the Trustees will distribute the assets of the Scheme to meet the liabilities known to them. The Trustees will not be liable for any claim or interest of which they have not had notice before that date. You do not need to reply if you have had any recent communication from the Trustees in relation to the Scheme. If you have changed your address since you last received any communication in relation to the Scheme, please reply with details of your new address. Please reply to Mr. Chris Edwards, Secretary to the Design Council Pension Scheme Trustees, c/o Bacon & Woodrow, St. Olaf House, London Bridge City, London SE1 2PE.