Notices under the Trustee Act 1925
PROPERTY PARTNERSHIPS PLC (and its subsidiary Company)
I, David Passmore Herbert, being the Chairman of the Trustees and a Director of Eggar
Trustees Ltd, the Independent Trustee, of the above pension scheme, require any person
interested in or claiming to be entitled to a benefit from the said pension scheme
to send to the administrators, at the address given below, within a period of two
months from the date of this notice, details of such interest or claim.
It is the Trustees intention to wind up the said pension scheme upon such terms as
they shall decide upon in accordance with the Trust Deed, Rules and other appropriate
documents for the benefit of those Members, pensioners and deferred pensioners which
have been made known to them at the expiration of the said two month period. Any persons
who have received Announcements to Members or correspondence from the administrators
within the last 12 months need not reply to this notice.
D. P. Herbert, Chairman and Independent Trustee
Administrators: K. Lloyd, Charterhouse Consultancy Limited, Longdene House, Hedgehog
Lane, Haslemere, Surrey GU27 2PH.