Notices under the Trustee Act 1925
The Trustees of the AT&T (UK) Ltd Retirement Benefits Plan (the “Plan”) hereby give notice that they intend to distribute the assets of the Plan among all the persons who, on 31st March 2001, were entitled to benefits from the Plan. 31st March 2001 was the date of discontinuance of the Plan. Anyone who believes that they are entitled to a share of the assets of the Plan and who has not already notified to the Trustees of the Plan their claim to benefits, should write to Paul Capel, Capita Hartshead, Mowden Hall, Darlington DL3 9SZ, within two months of the date of publication of this advertisement, setting out details of their claim. If you know that the Trustees are aware of your full entitlement to Plan benefits already, there is no need to reply to this advertisement.