Changes of Name

2001-06-252001-08-13B168DPB24QJ-1.92503652.479405B16 8DPBritish Nationality Act 1981-1.89693052.478638B2 4QJThe City of BirminghamTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Notice is hereby given that by a Deed Poll dated 25 June 2001 and enrolled in the Supreme Court of Judicature, Jane Robinson, Margaret Blakeney and Tony Robinson, as persons having parental responsibility, on behalf of KIERAN ROBINSON, of 53 Rodney Close, Ladywood, Birmingham B16 8DP, a child, single and a British citizen, under section 1(1) of the British Nationality Act 1981, abandoned the surname of Lobban and assumed in lieu thereof the surname of Robinson. McGrath & Co, King Edward House, 135 a New Street, Birmingham B2 4QJ, Solicitors for the said Jane Robinson. 25 June 2001.