Notices under the Trustee Act 1925
(“the Scheme”)
Notice is hereby given by the Trustees of the Scheme, pursuant to section 27 of the
Trustees Act 1925, that the Scheme is winding-up. It is believed that all potential
claimants and beneficiaries of the Scheme have been identified and the Trustees announce
their intention to provide benefits to those who appear to be entitled. If you believe
you have a claim, entitlement or interest in the Scheme and you have not been contacted
by Aon Pension Trustees Limited (as Trustees and/or Administrators of the Scheme)
please provide written notice of your claim specifying the name of the Scheme, your
full name, address, National Insurance number or details of your membership of the
Scheme, together with any documentary evidence, to Miss Jenny Bullock, Aon Pension
Trustees Limited, 3 The Embankment, Sovereign Street, Leeds LS1 4BJ. Your letter must
reach that address on or before 2 months after the date this notice appears. After
that date the Trustees will distribute all remaining assets of the Scheme having regard
only to the claims of which they have prior written notice and will not be liable
in respect of any person whose claim is received after that date.
A number of companies participated in the Scheme since its inception in 1965.
The sponsoring companies were:
1. Hollis Bros. & E.S.A. plc (formerly Hollis Bros. & E.S.A. Limited and Hollis Bros.
2. AGB International plc (formerly Hollis plc and Pergamon AGB plc).
Please note that there are a number of other schemes with similar names. Please ensure
that you were a member of the above scheme and have not already received your benefits
before writing in.