Notices under the Trustee Act 1925
The ACI Limited Pension Fund (“the Fund”) formerly known as “The Base 24 Retirement Benefits Plan”, was established by a trust deed dated 1 June 1989, made between Base 24 Limited and the then Trustees of the Fund. The wind up of the Fund commenced with effect on and from 1 December 2000. Notice is hereby given by the Trustees of the Fund (“the Trustees”) that any person having a claim against or interest in the Fund is hereby required to send written particulars of his or her claim or interest to the address given below on or before 24 April 2002. After that date the assets of the Fund will be distributed amongst the pesons entitled to them having regard only to the claims and interests of which the Trustees shall then have had notice. The Trustees will not, as regards the assets of the Fund or any part thereof so distributed, be liable to any person of whose claim or interest they shall not then have had notice. Any person who has already made a claim and received a response need not re-apply to the Trustees. Persons who have changed their address since receiving their last communication from the Trustees should reply with details of their new address. Please send written particulars of claims or interests or revised addrsss details to the Trustees of the ACI Limited Pension Fund, c/o Tim Randall, Buck Consultants, The International Financial Centre, Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1NQ. 14 February 2002.