Other Notices
Environment Agency—Thames Region
The Environment Agency Thames Region (“the Agency”) hereby gives notice that on or after 3 January 2003 it intends to apply for confirmation of byelaws made in exercise of the powers vested in it by section 41 of the Thames Barrier and Flood Prevention Act 1972 (“the Byelaws”). The Byelaws apply to the Thames Barrier and adjacent land, referred to as “the barrier lands” and their effect is as follows: (1) To regulate the use and conduct of motor vehicles and pedestrians. (2) To regulate the erection, interference with or use of advertisements, signage, structures and apparatus. (3) To regulate music, fires, fireworks, begging, public meetings and the sale of goods. (4) To regulate the presence of animals. (5) To regulate the use of water borne vessels. (6) To prevent obstruction of proper uses. (7) To require consent of the Agency for certain activities. (8) To empower the Agency to exclude or remove certain persons. (9) To revoke the Greater London Council Thames Barrier Byelaws 1983 made by the Greater London Council on 19 July 1983 and confirmed by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food on 19 January 1984. From the date of publication of this notice until 3 January 2003: 1. A copy of the byelaws, the Agency’s explanatory statement and this Notice may be inspected, free of charge, during normal office hours from Mondays to Fridays at the following locations: (a) Environment Agency, Floor 5, 10/11 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SP, Telephone 020 7091 4045; (b) Bircham Dyson Bell, 50 Broadway, Westminster, London SW1H 0BL, Telephone 020 7227 7080; (c) Charlton Library, Charlton House, Charlton Road, London SE7 8RE, Telephone 020 8319 2525; and (d) Custom House Library, Prince Regent Lane, London E16 3JJ, Telephone 020 7476 1565. 2. A copy of the documents referred to in 1 above will also be supplied on demand to any person at the Agency’s offices listed above. Copies may also be obtained by post from the undersigned. 3. Objection to the confirmation of the byelaws may be made in writing and addressed to The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Area 3B, Ergon House, Horseferry Road, London SW1P 2AL. Anthony Plytas, Environment Agency Thames Region, King’s Meadow House, King’s Meadow Road, Reading RG1 8DQ. 27 November 2002.