Meetings of Creditors
Meetings of Creditors
ANYTIME CANDIES EUROPE LIMITEDNotice is hereby given, pursuant to section 48(2) of
the Insolvency Act 1986, that a Meeting of the unsecured Creditors of the above-named
Company will be held at 9 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 7AL, on 19 March 2004, at
10.00 am, for the purpose of having laid before it a copy of the report prepared by
the Administrative Receiver under section 48 of the said Act. The Meeting may, if
it thinks fit, establish a Committee to exercise the functions conferred on Creditors’
Committees by or under the Act. Creditors whose claims are wholly secured are not
entitled to attend or be represented. Please note that a Creditor is entitled to vote
only if they have delivered to the Administrative Receiver at Haines Watts, 9 Coates
Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 7AL, no later than 12.00 noon on 18 March 2004, written details
of the debts they claim to be due to them from the Company, and the claim has been
duly admitted under the provisions of Rule 3.11 of the Insolvency Rules 1986, and
there has been lodged with the Administrative Receiver any proxy which the Creditor
intends to be used on his behalf.
J M Hall, Administrative Receiver 23 February 2004.(257)John B