Notice of Intended Dividends
Other Names of Company: BHM Health Group Limited
We, Toby Scott Underwood and Christopher Kim Rayment, of BDO LLP, 1 Bridgewater Place, Water Lane, Leeds LS11 5RU, Joint Administrators of the above named company hereby give notice that we intend to pay a first and final distribution of the Prescribed Part to unsecured creditors of the above named company. The value of the Prescribed Part is expected to be approximately œ124,000. Any creditor who has not proved their debt by 8 February 2010 will be excluded from this dividend which is to be declared within two months from the last date for proving. All creditors who have not already done so are invited to prove thier debts in writing to me at the address above.
No further public advertisement of invitation to prove debts will be given.
23 December 2009
Toby Scott Underwood Joint Administrator