Notice of Intended Dividends
Company status: In Liquidation
(Company Number 03076980 )
Registered office: 4th Floor, Allan House, 10 John Princes Street, London W1G 0AH
Principal Trading Address: Langley & Partners, Langley House, Park Road, East Finchley N2 8EX.
Notice is hereby given that I intend to declare a first dividend to unsecured creditors herein within four months from the last date for proving. Last date for proving—2 July 2010. If you have not lodged a proof of debt with me at the address below by the last date of proving, you will be excluded from the intended dividend.
Note: Creditors are reminded that they must provide supporting documentation in respect of their claims when lodging the proof of debt form such as copy invoices, statements etc to enable the agreement and admission of the claim.
Kevin Thomas Brown (IP No 9240), Joint Liquidator of Marriotts LLP, 4th Floor, Allan House, 10 John Princes Street, London W1G 0AH, telephone: 020 7495 2348. Alternative contact: Ria Townson, telephone: 020 7495 2348.
Kevin Brown, Joint Liquidator
4 June 2010