Road Traffic Acts

Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984The City of Westminster2010-07-302010-07-052010-11-262009-09-172010-06-282010-07-02-0.13747751.497663SW1E 6QPTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

City of Westminster


  • 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Westminster City Council on 28 June 2010 made the following Orders under sections 6, 45, 46, 49 and 124 of and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended.

• The City of Westminster (London Cycle Hire Scheme) (Parking Places) (No. 1) Order 2010

• The City of Westminster (Parking Places) (No. 41) (A zone) Order 2010

• The City of Westminster (Parking Places) (No. 42) (B zone) Order 2010

• The City of Westminster (Parking Places) (No. 43) (C zone) Order 2010

• The City of Westminster (Parking Places) (No. 44) (D zone) Order 2010

• The City of Westminster (Parking Places) (No. 45) (E zone) Order 2010

• The City of Westminster (Parking Places) (No. 46) (F zone) Order 2010

• The City of Westminster (Parking Places) (No. 47) (G zone) Order 2010

• The City of Westminster (Waiting and Loading Restriction) (Amendment No. 435) Order 2010

• The City of Westminster (Hackney Carriage Parking Places) (No. 1) Order 2010

• The City of Westminster (Free Parking Place) (Disabled Persons) (No. 17) Order 2010

• The City of Westminster (Motorcycle Parking Places) (Amendment No. 5) Order 2010

• The City Of Westminster (Car Club Parking Places) (No. 3) Experimental Traffic Order 2010

• The City of Westminster (Coach Parking Places) (No.1) Order 2010

• The City of Westminster (Parking Places) (Revocation No. 6) (D zone) Order 2010

• The City of Westminster (Parking Places) (B Zone) (Revocation No. 7) Order 2010

  • 2 The general effect of the Orders will be, in connection with the introduction of the Barclays Cycle Hire Scheme, to designate areas of the highway as parking places for pedal cycles (cycle hire docking stations). Each location is set out in Schedule 1 to this Notice.

Please note that the cycle hire docking stations listed in Schedule 2 to this Order (which were included in the notice of proposals published on either 17 th September 2009 or 26 th November 2010) will not be proceeded with at this stage. The cycle hire docking stations listed in Schedule 3 have been abandoned.

  • 3 The Orders, which will come into force on 5 July 2010, and other documents giving more detailed particulars of the Orders are available for inspection until the 2 July 2010 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays inclusive at One Stop Shop, City Hall, 62 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QP. Please note that the Barclays Cycle Hire Scheme will be fully operational on 30 th July 2010.
  • 4 Any person desiring to question the validity of the Orders or of any provision contained therein on the grounds that it is not within the relevant powers of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 or that any of the relevant requirements thereof or of any relevant regulations made thereunder have not been complied with in relation to the Orders may, within six weeks from the date on which the Orders were made, make application for the purpose to the High Court.

Dated 2 nd July 2010

Martin Low

City Commissioner of Transportation

(The officer appointed for this purpose)

Schedule 1

Locations of Barclays Cycle Hire Docking Stations to be introduced

Ref.No. Street Name
F055 Abbey Orchard Street (the south side) (loss of 2 “pay &b display) phone” bays)
F057 Alderney Street
F015 Ashley Place
C030 Baker Street
G016 Bayswater Road
C029 Beaumont Street (relocating motorcycle parking place)
F025 Belgrave Road
F034 Belgrave Road
F043 Belgrave Square
B025 Bell Street (loss of 2 “pay by phone” bays)
C027 Bolsover Street (relocating taxi bay)
F052 Bourne Street ( please note that the length of the cycle hire docking station at this location has been shortened since the proposals were published
E047 Broadwick Street
D026 Bruton Street
F017 Buckingham Gate
F018 Butler Place
E005 Carey Street
C013 Chapel Place
B030 Charlbert Street
E038 Charles II Street (loss of 2 “pay & display” bays)
G045 Cleveland Gardens (loss of 2 “pay & display”bays). Please note that a decision on the introduction of electric vehicle charging bay has been postponed until a later date.
D016 Clifford Street (relocating and extending 2 “pay by phone” bays
A022 Clifton Road
E027 Craven Street (loss of 2 “pay & display” bays)
C038 Crawford Street (loss of 2 “pay by phone” bays)
D013 Curzon Street (loss of 2 “pay by phone” bays)
B034 Dorset Square
G040 Eastbourne Mews
F044 Eaton Gate
F045 Eaton Square
F048 Eccleston Place (loss of 3 “pay by phone” bays)
F030 Elizabeth Bridge
D032 Farm Street
C019 Foley Street (loss of 2 “pay by phone” bays)
E055 Frith Street
C042 George Street
G043 Gloucester Terrace (loss of 3 “pay & display” bays)
E046 Golden Square (loss of 3 “pay by phone” bays)
D025 Grafton Street (loss of 2 “pay by phone” bays)
E051 Great Marlborough Street
C044 Great Titchfield Street
D019A Green Street A (loss of 1 “pay by phone” bay)
D019B Green Street B
F059 Greycoat Lane (loss of a taxi bay)
F046 Grosvenor Crescent (loss of 3 “pay & display” bays)
D007 Grosvenor Square
B012 Grove End Road
F024 Guildhouse Street (relocating 3 residents bays/(loss of 3 “pay by phone” bays)
B007 Harewood Avenue
C012 Hinde Street (2 “car club bays relocated to Manchester Square/gain of 1 “pay by phone” bay)
F006a Horseferry Road (relocating diabled persons “blue badge” bay)
E303 Houghton Street ( please note that the length of the cycle hire docking station at this location has been shortened since the proposals were published )
F014 Howick Place
G027 Kensington Gore
E009 Kingsway
B023 Lisson Grove (loss of 1 “pay by phone” bay)
E061 Little Argyll Street (loss of motorcycle bay/2 disabled persons “blue badge” bays)
E102 Little Newport Street (loss of 2 “pay by phone” bays)
B026 Lodge Road
B024 Mallory Street
C010 Marylebone Lane (relocating disabled persons “blue badge” bay)
E001 Milford Lane
G033a Montpelier Street
E044 Moor Street
G003 North Wharf Road
E030 Northumberland Avenue
E060 Northumberland Avenue
E060 Northumberland Avenue
C034 Nutford Place
C008 Old Quebec Street (relocating residents parking bays to Bryanston Street)
G042 Orsett Terrace (relocation of a residents’ parking place to Gloucester Terrace)
C039 Paddington Street
D023 Pall Mall
E033 Pall Mall East
E105 Panton Street
B037 Penfold Street
G006 Porchester Place (loss of 1 “pay by phone” bay)
C002 Portland Place (loss of 6 “pay by phone” bays)
C023 Portland Place
C047 Portman Square (loss of 2 “pay by phone” bays)
E308 Portugal Street
B015a Prince Albert Road
B038 Prince Albert Road
G028 Prince Consort Road
G011 Prince’s Square
G029 Queen’s Gate
G012 Queensway
F026 Rampayne Street
C021 Rathbone Street
F007 Regency Street
F010 Rochester Row
F013 Rochester Row
D038 Sackville Street
C037 Seymour Place
F003 Smith Square (loss of 2 “pay by phone” bays)
E045 Soho Square
D034 South Audley Street (loss of 3 “pay by phone” bays)
D008 South Audley Street ( please note that the length of the cycle hire docking station at this location has been shortened since the proposals were published )
G002 South Wharf Road (loss of 1 “pay by phone” bay)
E023a Southampton Street
G007 Southwick Street (loss of 3 “pay by phone” bays)
D015 St George Street (loss of 2 “pay by phone” bays)
F029 St George’s Square (loss of 4 “pay & display” bays)
D005 St James’s Square (gain 4 residents bays/loss of 10 “pay by phone” bays/gain 7 “shared use” bays/relocate a taxi bay/gain 30 metres of motorcycle bays)
E059 St Martin’s Lane
E034 St Martin’s Street
F101 Storey’s Gate
E003 Strand
F023 Tachbrook Street
E200 Tavistock Street (loss of 4 “pay by phone” bays)
D010 Upper Grosvenor Street
W007 Victoria Embankment
F016 Victoria Street
E058 Wardour Street
A008 Warwick Avenue
F033 Warwick Square (relocating 3 residents bays/loss of 3 “pay by phone” bays)
E037 Waterloo Place (loss of 2 “pay & display” bays)
E017 Wellington Street (loss of 1 “pay by phone” bays)
C017 Wells Street
G044 Westbourne Grove
E022 William IV Street
G001 Winsland Street
D030 Woodstock Street

Schedule 2

Locations of Barclays Cycle Hire Docking Stations

(Introduction deferred until a later date)

Ref. No. Street Name
E032 Adelaide Street
E002 Arundel Street
D006 Berkeley Square
D029 Binney Street
G014 Bishop’s Bridge Road
E057 Brewer Street
E048 Broadwick Street
D009 Brown Hart Gardens
E024 Burleigh Street
G041 Chilworth Street
C006 Cramer Street
D028 Dering Street
F049 Eaton Square
A020 Formosa Street Bridge
E207 Garrick Street
C035 Great Cumberland Place
B020 Hall Road
E203 Henrietta Street
D012 Hyde Park Corner
E007 Kingsway
E010 Kingsway
E006 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
F056 Moreton Street
E108 Oxendon Street
F012 Regency Street
E026 Savoy Place
E025 Savoy Street
E305 Sheffield Street
D003 Shepherd Market
D027 Stratford Place
G036 Sussex Gardens
E049 Wardour Street
D020 Waterloo Place

Schedule 3

Locations of Barclays Cycle Hire Docking Stations abandoned

Ref. No. Street Name
F053 Abbey Orchard Street (north side)
B021 Church Street
G008 Cleveland Square
G010 Craven Hill Gardens
C036 Crawford Street
G039 Craven Road
E053 Dean Street
C043 Devonshire Street
F050 Elverton Street
C018 Great Titchfield Street
E039 Jermyn Street
C005 New Cavendish Street
D017 Piccadilly
E300 Portugal Street
B004 Prince Albert Road
B036 Prince Albert Road
E201 Russell Street
B002 St John’s Wood High Street
F058 Sussex Street
F054 Tufton Street
D018 Vigo Street