Notice of Dividends
(Company Number 02374207 )
Registered office: 10 Orange Street, London, WC2H 7DQ
Princicpal Trading Address: Formerly of Dale House, Peak Dale Road, Brookfield Est, Glossop, Derbyshire, SK13 6LQ
Notice is hereby given that a first and final dividend is intended to be declared in respect of the above-mentioned Company and creditors are requested that they are required on or before the 7 August 2010 to send their names and addresses and particulars of their debts or claims and the names and addresses of the solicitors (if any) to Stephen Ryman, the liquidator of the said company, at Shipleys LLP 10 Orange Street, London, WC2H 7DQ.
If you do not prove your debt by way of submitting a Proof of Debt form and provide documentary evidence to substantiate your claim to my office by 7 August 2010 you will be excluded from this dividend, which is to be declared within four months from the last date for proving.
Further details: Mark Boast, Telephone 0207 7668560, Email:
Stephen Ryman and Robert Smailes (IP Nos. 4731 and 8975), Joint Liquidators
07 July 2010