Notice of Dividends
(Company Number 03280903 )
Registered office: c/o Zolfo Cooper, The Zenith Building, 26 Spring Gardens, Manchester, M2 1AB
Princicpal Trading Address: Eaton House, 1 Eaton Road, Coventry
Pursuant to Rule 11.2 of The Insolvency Rules 1986, notice is hereby given that the Joint Liquidators, Anne O’Keefe and Simon Wilson, (Office Holder Nos: 008375 and 008963), propose declaring a dividend to the unsecured creditors of the Company.
The last date for proving debts against the Company is 20 August 2010, by which date claims must be sent to the undersigned, of Zolfo Cooper, The Zenith Building, 5th Floor, 26 Spring Gardens, Manchester, M2 1AB the Joint Liquidator of the Company. Notice is further given that the Joint Liquidators intend declaring a final dividend within 4 months of the last date for proving.
For further details contact: The Joint Liquidators:Tel: 0161 838 4500. Alternatively contact: Vicky Chamberlain on 0161 838 4534. Date of Appointment: 7 June 2005.
Anne O'Keefe and Simon Wilson, Joint Liquidators
12 July 2010