Notice of Dividends

2010-08-122010-09-302010-08-17TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,


(Company Number 03596596 )

Notice is hereby given that I, Jane Bronwen Moriarty of KPMG LLP, Arlington Business Park, Theale, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 4SD intend to declare a first and final dividend to the creditors of the above company, within 4 months from 30 September 2010. All creditors of the above named company who have not proved their claims to date are required on or before 30 September 2010, to send their names and addresses with particulars of their debts or claims to the Joint Liquidators at KPMG LLP, Arlington Business Park, Theale, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 4SD. Any creditor who does not submit a statement of claim by 30 September 2010 will be excluded from this dividend.

Jane Moriarty, Joint Liquidator

12 August 2010