Meeting of Creditors

-1.78070853.836359BD17 7DB2011-05-192011-06-162011-06-171970-11-072011-05-26-0.63277353.567686DN16 2PQThe Borough of North LincolnshireThe City of BradfordTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

In the Scunthorpe County Court

No 258 of 2010

Rosebud Rajaruby Suthaharan

In Bankruptcy

A company director lately a shop assistant, residing at 3 North Parade, Ashby, Scunthorpe DN16 2PQ, lately carrying on business under the style of NAV’S NEWS AND BOOZE in partnership with another and previously under the style of KEEN COST in partnership with another all from 1 North Parade, Ashby, Scunthorpe DN16 2PQ, all in North Lincolnshire.

Birth details: 7 November 1970

A Meeting of Creditors has been summoned by the Trustee in Bankruptcy for the purposes of establishing a Creditors Committee and determining the basis that the Trustee is to be remunerated. The meeting will be held on 17 June 2011 at 10.30 am at 3 Merchant’s Quay, Ashley Lane, Shipley BD17 7DB .

A proxy form is available which must be lodged with me not later than 16 June 2011 to entitle you to vote by proxy at the meeting (together with a completed proof of debt form if you have not already lodged one).

R S Claughton (IP No. 119 ), Office holder capacity: Trustee, Rushtons, 3 Merchant’s Quay, Ashley Lane, Shipley, West Yorkshire BD17 7DB, 01274 598585

19 May 2011