Warrants Under the Royal Sign Manual

2013-07-262014-02-20TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, customer.services@tso.co.uk2000978

The Queen has been pleased to mark the Diamond Jubilee of Her Reign by conferring by Royal Warrants dated 26 July 2013 the following Regius Professorships:

• Upon the Professorship of Life Sciences in the University of Dundee by the title and style of Regius Professor of Life Sciences in the University of Dundee

• Upon the Professorship of Political Science in the University of Essex by the title and style of Regius Professor of Political Science in the University of Essex

• Upon the Professorship of Engineering at The Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine by the title and style of Regius Professor of Engineering at The Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine

• Upon the Professorship of Psychiatry in King’s College London by the title and style of Regius Professor of Psychiatry in King’s College London

• Upon the Professorship of Economics in the London School of Economics and Political Science by the title and style of Regius Professor of Economics by the London School of Economics and Political Science

• Upon the Professorship of Physics in the University of Manchester by the title and style of the Regius Professor of Physics in the University of Manchester

• Upon the Professorship of Meteorology and Climate Science in the University of Reading by the title and style of Regius Professor of Meteorology and Climate Science in the University of Reading

• Upon the Professorship of Music in the Royal Holloway and Bedford New College by the title and style of Regius Professor of Music in the Royal Holloway and Bedford New College

• Upon the Professorship of Computer Science in the University of Southampton by the title and style of Regius Professor of Computer Science in the University of Southampton

• Upon the Professorship of Electronic Engineering in the University of Surrey by the title and style of Regius Professor of Electronic Engineering in the University of Surrey

• Upon the Professorship of Open Education in The Open University by the title and style of Regius Professor of Open Education in The Open University

• Upon the Professorship of Mathematics in the University of Warwick by the title and style of Regius Professor of Mathematics in the University of Warwick

G A Bavister