Other Notices

2014-05-202014-06-09NE21TJInsolvency Act 1986The City of Newcastle upon Tyne-1.60407454.984774NE2 1TJTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, customer.services@tso.co.uk214178760889

In the High Court of Justice


Insolvency Act 1986

Notice is hereby given, that pursuant to the Order of District Judge Kramer in the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, dated 20 May 2014:

1. That in relation to the insolvent administrations listed below William Paxton (IP No: 8825) of Robson Laidler LLP, Fernwood House, Fernwood Road, Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 1TJ, be removed as Office Holder of each of the listed insolvent appointments and that Martin Daley (IP No: 9563) and Simon Blakey (IP No: 12990) of Robson Laidler LLP, Fernwood House, Fernwood Road, Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 1TJ be appointed in his place.


Anthony George Heald, Sunderland County Court, 58 of 2006

Colin Garner, Darlington County Court, 90 of 2011

David George Munden, Sunderland County Court, 41 of 1999

Fevzi Kilinc, High Court of Justice, 9044 of 2007

Garry Glover, Newcastle County Court, 1500 of 2007

Gary Beadnell, Middlesbrough County Court, 917 of 2010

Ginette Hanson, Sunderland County Court, 13 of 2005

John Robert Pratt, Darlington County Court, 133 of 1994

Lewis John Palmer, Middlesbrough County Court, 831 of 2008

Lynn Mallenby, Newcastle County Court, 1204 of 2005

Michael William Watson, Newcastle County Court, 367 of 2000

Peter Ridley Aspinall, Newcastle County Court, 196 of 1990

Robert Beadnell, Sunderland County Court, 146 of 2005

Roland James Preedy, Croydon County Court, 1123 of 2011

Sheila Elizabeth Douglas, Newcastle County Court, 229 of 1999

Stephen John Hanson, Sunderland County Court, 14 of 2005

Thomas Tracey, Birkenhead County Court, 515 of 2010

William Pratt, Darlington County Court, 134 of 1994

Christine Anne Garner, Darlington County Court, 89 of 2011

Leslie Garr, Newcastle County Court 1493 of 2011

Individual Voluntary Arrangement

Adam Main

Christine Sheeran

Christopher Branch, Newcastle County Court, 897 of 2012

Diane Riley, Newcastle County Court, 759 of 2011

Dionne Gilmour

Joseph Vincent Pritchard, Sunderland County Court, 343 of 2011

Kevin Riley, Newcastle County Court, 758 of 2011

Linda Robertson

Michelle Main

Michelle Smith, Newcastle County Court, 722 of 2011

Paul Robertson

Roland Shokunbi

Stephen Paul Howe, Sunderland County Court, 344 of 2011

Yekuroma Williams, High Court of Justice, 88 of 2007

Compulsory Liquidation

ARCKS Limited, Middlesbrough County Court, 602 of 2010

Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation

A P Development Products (North East) Limited

Abel Contracts Limited, Newcastle County Court, 347 of 2011

CB Motors (Cramlington) Limited

Choudhury Properties Limited, Newcastle County Court, 675 of 2012

P & B Restaurants Limited

R S Johnson Recovery Limited

Security Guard Solutions UK Limited

Solway House Residential Care Home Limited

Wardley Legion Club & Institute Union Limited

2. That in relation to the insolvent administrations listed below William Paxton (IP No: 8825) of Robson Laidler LLP, Fernwood House, Fernwood Road, Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 1TJ, be removed as Office Holder of each of the listed insolvent appointments and that Simon Blakey (IP No: 12990) of Robson Laidler LLP, Fernwood House, Fernwood Road, Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 1TJ be appointed in his place to act as Joint Office Holder together with Martin Daley.


Andrew Gerard Maher, Durham County Court, 236 of 2009

Anthony Currie, Sunderland County Court, 50 of 2010

Anthony Tattersdill, Durham County Court, 452 of 2008

Catherine Garderner, Newcastle County Court, 734 of 2008

Craig Rowlands, Newcastle County Court, 1608 of 2010

Damien John Delargy Healy, Newcastle County Court, 810 of 2009

Dorothy Mclaughlin, Sunderland County Court, 39 of 2011

Eric Armstrong, Newcastle County Court, 1415 of 2008

Geroge Ellis Kirkwood Simpson, Birmingham County Court, 1222 of 2010

George Ellis Kirkwood Simpson and John Leyshon, Birmingham County Court, 1222 of 2010

Helen Samantha Armstrong, Newcastle County Court, 4283 of 2009

Ian Clayton, Middlesbrough County Court, 268 of 2012

Ian David Fisher, Wakefield County Court, 27 of 2009

Jason Thomas Hathaway, Newcastle County Court, 1437 of 2010

John Leyshon, Birmingham County Court, 1222 of 2010

John Stanley Partington, Sunderland County Court, 16 of 2011

Karen Clews, Newcastle County Court, 2407 of 2010

Mark Rea, Newcastle County Court, 4646 of 2009

Michael Peter James, Newcastle County Court, 2205 of 2010

Nigel Eric Bird, Newcastle County Court, 1518 of 2008

Peter Callaghan, Newcastle County Court, 8 of 1999

Peter Graham, Newcastle County Court, 340 of 1995

Peter Graham, Sunderland County Court, 786 of 2008

Philip Hume, Newcastle County Court, 100 of 2010

Philip Wilkinson, Middlesbrough County Court, 712 of 2009

Richard Lawson, Middlesbrough County Court, 377 of 2011

Richard William Bloomfield, Newcastle County Court, 1408 of 2010

Ronan Liddane, Newcastle County Court, 2073 of 2008

Sakiya Khanon Choudhury, Sunderland County Court, 674 of 2010

Scott Worthington, Preston County Court, 93 of 2010

Terence William Hannon, Middlesbrough County Court, 886 of 2009

Individual Voluntary Arrangement

Adeolu Adetunji, Eastbourne County Court, 47 of 2009

Adrian Mattock, Newcastle County Court, 4236 of 2009

Alan Henderson Barrass, Sunderland County Court, 260 of 2010

Angus Gary MacDonald, Newcastle County Court, 234 of 2011

Anthony Howitt, Newcastle County Court, 1179 of 2010

Anthony Thomas Bryson, Newcastle County Court, 165 of 2011

Christina Hall, Newcastle County Court, 2571 of 2011

David Redshaw, Newcastle County Court, 39 of 2011

Diane Harvey, Newcastle County Court, 1063 of 2010

Dirk Henri Gerard Stans, Darlington County Court, 112 of 2000

Frank David Science Russell, Carlisle County Court, 12 of 2013

George Allison

Iris Allison

John Ralph Curry, Newcastle County Court, 2443 of 2010

Kathleen Violet Barrass, Sunderland County Court, 261 of 2010

Kevin Robson, Newcastle County Court, 5164 of 2009

Lee Pennick, Middlesbrough County Court, 739 of 2009

Linda Kathleen Mattock, Newcastle County Court, 4235 of 2009

Lynne Maguire, Newcastle County Court, 4456 of 2009

Marilyn Bainbridge, Newcastle County Court, 782 of 2008

Peter Maguire, Newcastle County Court, 4455 of 2009

Philip Bainbridge, Newcastle County Court, 781 of 2008

Rachel Aziz, Newcastle County Court, 169 of 2010

Raymond Anthony McLanders

Richard McIlwraith, Newcastle County Court, 1611 of 2010

Roy Godwin Logan, Croydon County Court, 924 of 2009

Simisola Olabisi Adetunji, Eastbourne County Court, 131 of 2009

Timothy Carl Widdowfield, Durham County Court, 461 of 2009

Compulsory Liquidation

Chesterford (Abbey Road) Limited, Newcastle County Court, 1404 of 2009

First Class Post Business Services Limited, High Court of Justice, 8086 of 2008

Rea Estates Limited, High Court of Justice, 11066 of 2008

Whitley Bay Waterfronts Limited, High Court of Justice, 1798 of 2010

Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation

A Tobbell & Sons Limited

Barty Spoor Limited

Demon Fire Protection Limited

Global MTP UK Services Limited

Innosystems UK Limited

Kalebury Limited

Level Ten Creative Marketing Limited

North Breeze Recycling UK Limited

Northumbria Hotel Limited

Pearson Charlton Engineers Limited

Real Time Prospects Limited

Rush Electrical Limited

T & G Industrial Welding Services Limited

TCG (North East) Limited

Members’ Voluntary Liquidation

Amos Atkinson Limited

Display Graphex Limited

3. That in relation to the insolvent administrations listed below William Paxton (IP No: 8825) of Robson Laidler LLP, Fernwood House, Fernwood Road, Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 1TJ, be removed as Office Holder of each of the listed insolvent appointments and that Martin Daley (IP No: 9563) of Robson Laidler LLP, Fernwood House, Fernwood Road, Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 1TJ be appointed in his place to act as Joint Office Holder together with Simon Blakey.

Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation

Atlas Developments Leisure Limited

Dan Russell & Atlas Developments Limited

The Kung Fu Drag Queen Limited

4. That in relation to the insolvent administrations listed below Simon Blakey be appointed as Joint Office Holder in respect of each of the listed insolvency appointments together with Martin Daley.

Individual Voluntary Arrangement

Angela Burrows, Sunderland County Court, 1044 of 2008

Compulsory Liquidation

The New Northumbria Hotel Limited, Newcastle upon Tyne District Registry, 1376 of 2010

Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation

Signal Plastics Limited

5. Any creditor (or member in the case of members’ voluntary liquidations) who objects to the transfer of an insolvency appointment as provided for by the Order shall have a period of twenty eight days from the date of this advert to apply to court to set aside or vary the terms of the Order. However, such application shall not affect the transfer of the insolvency appointments by this Order until further or other order by the court.

Simon Blakey and Martin Daley (IP No’s 12990 and 9563) of Robson Laidler LLP, Fernwood House, Fernwood Road, Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 1TJ, telephone: 0191 281 8191, email: sblakey@robson-laidler.co.uk