Resolutions for Winding-up
(Company Number 01292873 )Registered office: BWC Business Solutions LLP, 8 Park Place, Leeds LS1 2RU
Principal trading address: Lanshaw Hall, Langbar, Ilkley LS29 0XE
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 85 of the Insolvency Act 1986, that the following resolutions were passed by the members of the above-named Company on 17 July 2014 :
Special Resolution
1. That the Company cannot, by reason of its liabilities, continue its business, and that it is advisable to wind up the same, and accordingly that the Company be wound up.
Ordinary Resolution
2. That Paul Andrew Whitwam and Gary Edgar Blackburn be appointed as Joint Liquidators for the purposes of such winding up.
At the subsequent Meeting of Creditors held on 17 July 2014 the appointment of Paul Andrew Whitwam and Gary Edgar Blackburn as Joint Liquidators was confirmed.
Paul Andrew Whitwam (IP number 8346 ) and Gary Edgar Blackburn (IP number 6234 ) both of BWC Business Solutions LLP, 8 Park Place, Leeds LS1 2RU were appointed Joint Liquidators of the Company on 17 July 2014. Further information about this case is available from Laura Nelson at the offices of BWC Business Solutions LLP on 0113 243 3434 or at
George Watson, Director