Meetings of Creditors
In the High Court of Justice
Chancery Division No 4004 of 2014
(Company Number 06866523 )Registered office: One Euston Square, 40 Melton Street, London, NW1 2FD
Principal trading address: Creslow Park, Creslow, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP22 4EH
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Rule 2.35(4A) of the Insolvency Rules 1986 (as amended), that the Joint Administrators have summoned a meeting of creditors of the Company to be conducted by way of correspondence under Paragraph 58 to consider the Joint Administrators’ Proposals of Schedule B1 to the Insolvency Act 1986. The closing date for votes to be submitted on Form 2.25B to be received at Opus Restructuring LLP, One Euston Square, 40 Melton Street, London, NW1 2FD by no later than 12.00 noon on 15 August 2014. A copy of Form 2.25B is available on request. Under Rule 2.38 a person is entitled to submit a vote only if he has given to the Joint Administrators at Opus Restructuring LLP, One Euston Square, 40 Melton Street, London NW1 2FD, not later than 12.00 noon on the closing date, details in writing of the debt which he claims to be due to him from the Company and the claim has been duly admitted under Rule 2.38 or 2.39. Date of Appointment: 4 June 2014.
Office Holder details: Steven John Parker (IP No: 8989) and Joanne Kim Rolls (IP No: 8867), both of Opus Restructuring LLP, One Euston Square, 40 Melton Street, London, NW1 2FD. Further details contact: Matt Rolph, Email:, Tel: 01908 306089.
Steven John Parker and Joanne Kim Rolls, Joint Administrators
23 July 2014