Bankruptcy Orders (Partnerships)
Sebastian Ferragut Maza and Wendy Mary Ann Matthews
Sebastian Ferragut Maza Unemployed but formerly a Restaurateur and Wendy Mary Ann Matthews Unemployed formerly carrying on business a Restaurateur, both parties in the Business as a Partnership of The Castle Restaurant and Bars, East Street, Rhayader, Powys LD6 5DL and Sebatian Ferragut Maza Unemployed of 11, Sunnyfield, Rhayder Powys LD6 5BP and Wendy Mary Ann Matthews Unemployed of 11, Sunnyfield, Rhayader, Powys LD6 5DL
In the County Court at Merthyr Tydfil
No 49 of 2014
Date of Filing Petition: 1 September 2014
Bankruptcy order date: 1 September 2014
Time of Bankruptcy Order: 09:50
Whether Debtor's or Creditor's PetitionDebtor's
Related case: Sebastian Ferragut MazaCounty Court at Merthyr Tydfil Related case: Wendy Mary Ann MatthewsCounty Court at Merthyr TydfilI Carter 3rd Floor, Companies House, Crown Way, CARDIFF, CF14 3ZA, telephone: 029 2038 1300, email:
Capacity of office holder(s): Trustee
1 September 2014