Resolutions for Winding-up

-2.27277953.463015M16 9HU-2.09155153.413971SK6 3AGM169HU2014-09-112014-09-23M169HUSK63AGThe Borough of StockportM169HUThe Borough of TraffordTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,


(Company Number 02069317 )

Previous Name of Company: Investors Management Services (IDA)

Registered office: West Point, 3rd Floor, 501 Chester Road, Old Trafford, Manchester, M16 9HU

Principal trading address: Bank House Chambers, 44 Stockport Road, Romiley, Stockport, Cheshire, SK6 3AG

At a General Meeting of the members of the above named Company, duly convened and held at the The Debt Advisor, WestPoint, 501 Chester Road, Old Trafford, Manchester, M16 9HU on 11 September 2014 at 1.00pm the following resolutions were duly passed as a Special Resolution and as an Ordinary Resolution:-

“That the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Beverley Ellice Budsworth, of The Debt Advisor, West Point, 3rd Floor, 501 Chester Road, Old Trafford, Manchester, M16 9HU, (IP No 008941) be and she is hereby appointed Liquidator for the purposes of such winding-up.”

Further details contact: B E Budsworth, Email:, Tel: 0845 465 0085.

Gary Stafford, Chairman