Meeting of Creditors
In the matter of the Insolvency Act 1986
Notification of Meeting of Creditors
Jeremy Woodward Reeves
In the Blackburn County Court
No 194 of 2013
Bankrupt’s residential address: 461 Blackburn Road, Oswaldwistle, Accrington BB5 4NA
Previous residential address(es) in past 12 months: Not Known
Bankrupt’s date of birth: 8 May 1958
Bankrupt’s occupation: Not Known
Any other name by which the bankrupt has been known: Not Known
Name or style under which bankrupt carried on business, and under which any debt was incurred: Not Known
Previous trading address(es): Not Known
Who summoned the meeting: The Trustee
Purpose of meeting: To appoint a creditors’ committee/approve the Trustee’s remuneration
Venue fixed for meeting: Suite A, 7th Floor, City Gate East, Tollhouse Hill, Nottingham NG1 5FS
Date of Meeting: 6 February 2015 at 11.00 am
Date and time by which proofs of debt and proxies must be lodged: 12.00 noon on 5 February 2015
Place at which they must be lodged: Suite A, 7th Floor, City Gate East, Tollhouse Hill, Nottingham NG1 5FS
Correspondence address & contact details of case manager
David Robinson 0115 964 4516
Baker Tilly Creditor Services LLP, Suite A, 7th Floor, City Gate East, Tollhouse Hill, Nottingham NG1 5FS
Name, address & contact details of Trustee
Primary Office Holder
Andrew Appleyard
Appointed: 7 October 2014
Baker Tilly Creditor Services LLP
Quayside Tower
252 – 260 Broad Street
Birmingham B1 2HF
0121 698 2177
IP Number: 8749