Recall of Sequestration
Recall of Sequestration
Tanners Lounge Bar
Patricia Forrest
Alan Forrest
A Petition for Recall of Sequestration was presented to Edinburgh Sheriff Court on 27 January 2015 by Tanners Lounge Bar, a firm carrying on business at 459 Lanark Road, Juniper Green, Curne. EH14 5BA, Patricia Forrest, residing at 260 The Murrays Brae, Edinburgh, EH17 8UL and Alan Forrest, residing at 459 Lanark Road, Jumper Green, Curne, EH14 5BA, the whole partners of said firm as such partners and as individuals. By interlocutor dated 29 January 2015 the Sheriff appointed intimation, advertisement and service of the application and allowed any party claiming an interest to lodge Answers, if so advised, within 14 days after intimation, advertisement and service.
Ennova Law
26 George Square Edinburgh EH8 9LD
Solicitors for the Petitioners