Appointment of Sheriffs
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following candidates are in nomination for election as Sheriffs of this City:
Dr Christine Holliday Rigden
Citizen and Constructor
Woodlands Farm, Calcott, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent, CT3 4NB
The Honourable Charles Edward Beck Bowman
Alderman and Grocer
The Park House, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, IP30 9PR
The election will take place at the assembly of the Liverymen of the said City in Common Hall in Guildhall in the said City on Wednesday 24 June 2014 at 12 o’clock noon.
John Barradell
Town Clerk and Chief Executive,
Guildhall, London, EC2P 2EJ
Dated this 8th day of May 2015