Bankruptcy Orders (Partnerships)
Bilek, Brenda
17 The Avenue, Waresley, KIDDERMINSTER, DY11 7XR
Birth details: 9 October 1944
BRENDA BILEK at 17 The Avenue, Waresley, Kidderminster, Worcestershire DY11 7XR as Tenax UK & Co, as a PROVIDER OF TEXTILE SERVICES.
In the High Court Of Justice
No 2316 of 2015
Date of Filing Petition: 7 July 2015
Bankruptcy order date: 14 December 2015
Time of Bankruptcy Order: 14:47
Whether Debtor's or Creditor's PetitionCreditor's
Name and address of petitioner: Commissioners for HM Revenue & CustomsReceivables Finance, Barrington Road, Worthing, BN12 4XH
G O'HareNorthampton County Court, Guildhall Road, Northampton, NN1 1DN, telephone: 0121 698 4000
Capacity of office holder(s): Receiver and Manager
14 December 2015