Notices to Creditors

-1.15526152.954905NG1 5FSThe District of Blaby2016-01-192016-01-182016-02-262016-01-21-1.19050052.595397LE19 1SDThe City of NottinghamTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,


(Company Number 06466362)

Trading Name: Various

Registered office: Suite A, 7th Floor, City Gate East, Tollhouse Hill, Nottingham NG1 5FS

Principal trading address: Various

Nature of business: Bars and Nightclubs

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the creditors of the above-named company, which is being voluntarily wound up, who have not already proved their debt are required, on or before 26 February 2016, the last day for proving to send in their names and addresses and to submit their proof of debt to the undersigned at RSM Restructuring Advisory LLP, Suite A, 7th Floor, City Gate East, Tollhouse Hill, Nottingham NG1 5FS and, if so requested by the Joint Liquidators, to provide such further details or produce such documentary or other evidence as may appear to be necessary.

A creditor who has not proved his debt before the declaration of any dividend is not entitled to disturb, by reason that he has not participated in it, the distribution of that dividend or any other dividend before his debt was proved.

Correspondence address & contact details of case manager: Nick Robinson, 0115 964 4517, RSM Restructuring Advisory LLP, Suite A, 7th Floor, City Gate East, Tollhouse Hill, Nottingham NG1 5FS

Name, address & contact details of Joint Liquidators:

Primary Office Holder: Patrick Ellward, Appointed: 18 January 2016, RSM Restructuring Advisory LLP, Suite A, 7th Floor, City Gate East, Tollhouse Hill, Nottingham NG1 5FS, 0115 964 4477, IP Number: 8702

Joint Office Holder: Dilip Dattani, Appointed: 18 January 2016, RSM Restructuring Advisory LLP, Rivermead House, 7 Lewis Court, Grove Park, Leicester LE19 1SD, 0116 282 0553, IP Number: 7915

Dated: 19 January 2016