Appointment of Liquidators
Company Number: 03805046
Trading Name: Xanit Holdings (No.2) Limited
Nature of Business: Manufacture of Food products, Beverages & Tobacco
Type of Liquidation: Members
Registered office: The Pinnacle, 170 Midsummer Boulevard, Milton Keynes, MK9 1BP
Principal trading address: Nimbus House Maidstone Road, Kingston, Buckinghamshire, MK10 0BD
Diana Frangou,(IP No. 9559) of RSM Restructuring Advisory LLP, St Philips Point, Temple Row, Birmingham, B2 5AF and Graham Bushby,(IP No. 8736) of RSM Restructuring Advisory LLP, The Pinnacle, 170 Midsummer Boulevard, Milton Keynes MK9 1BP. Further details contact: Diana Frangou, Tel: 0121 214 3329 or Graham Bushby, Tel: 01908 687826.
Correspondence address & contact details of case manager: Ané Carstens, Tel: 01908 687830.
Date of Appointment: 12 January 2016
By whom Appointed: Members