Amendment of Title of Proceedings
Ayten, Ahmet
c/o 196 Berechurch Road, COLCHESTER, CO2 7QQ
Birth details: 20 September 1985
AHMET AYTEN, director, residing at 358a Mersea Road, Colchester, Essex, CO2 8RB, lately residing at 196 Berechurch Road, COLCHESTER, in the County of Essex, CO2 7QQ and trading at 59 London Road, Colchester, CO3 9AL as a self-employed barber under the style of ICUT Haircut
Also known as: AHMET AYTEN occupation UNKNOWN residing at 196 Berechurch Road, COLCHESTER in the County of Essex, CO2 7QQ
In the County Court at Colchester
No 6 of 2016
Bankruptcy order date: 21 March 2016
J GoodeEastbrook, Shaftbury Road, Cambridge, CB2 8DR, telephone: 01223 324480
Capacity of office holder(s): Official Receiver
21 March 2016