Recall of Sequestration
Glasgow 18 May 2016
Sheriff Deutsch
In the sequestration of
Mustafa Karim
Flat 2/03, 19 Exeter Drive, Glasgow G11 7UY
(Sequestration granted 21 March 2016 – Date of First Deliverance 4 December 2015)
The Sheriff having considered the foregoing application by Mustafa Karim, appoints a copy of the application to be advertised in the Edinburgh Gazette and to be serve on, The Accountant in Bankruptcy, 1 Pennyburn Road, Kilwinning and upon Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, George Square, Glasgow G2 1DU and upon the Interim Trustee, KPMG LLP, 191 West George Street, Glasgow G2 9DX, appoints persons claiming an interest to lodge answers with the Sheriff Clerk at The Sheriff Court House, 1 Carlton Place, Glasgow G5 9DA, if so advised, within 14 days of such intimation, service and advertisement.