Recall of Sequestration
Notice is hereby given that in a Petition presented to Aberdeen Sheriff Court on 9 June 2016 by Graham Gordon (Petitioner/ debtor) for the recall of his sequestration reference SQ21/16 dated 2 June 2016, the Sheriff having seen and considered said Application on 16 June 2016, appointed the Petitioner to give notice of the presentation of this Application for publication in the Edinburgh Gazette; Thereafter, grants Warrant for the Petitioner to intimate the said Application for Recall of Sequestration and a copy of this deliverance upon, The Accountant in Bankruptcy, 1 Pennyburn Road, Kilwinning KA13 6SA, as Trustee and The Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission (also known as the "SCCRC"), 5th floor, Portland House, 17 Renfield Street, Glasgow G2 5AH; Furthermore, Ordains the said Accountant in Bankruptcy and The Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission, and any other persons claiming an interest, to lodge answers, if so advised within 14 days of such intimation, service and advertisement thereto and parties to be heard on 28th July 2016 at 10.00 a.m., within Aberdeen Sheriff Court, Civil Centre, Queen Street, Aberdeen.
Graham Gordon, Petitioner for Recall of Sequestration SQ21/16
19 Crombie Acres, Westhill
AB32 6 PR
22 June 2016