Resolutions for Winding-up
(Company Number 07295345)
Trading Name: Avalanche
Registered office: 58 Swan Street, City House, Manchester, M4 5JU
Principal trading address: 2 Booth Street, Manchester, M2 4AT
At a General Meeting of the Company convened and held at Century House, 6 Ashley Road, Hale, WA15 9SF on 20 August 2016 5.30 pm the following special resolution numbered one and ordinary resolutions numbered two and three were passed:
1) That the Company be wound up voluntarily.
2) That Jonathan E Avery-Gee and Stephen L Conn of CG&Co, 17 St Ann's Square, Manchester, M2 7PW, be appointed joint liquidators of the Company for the purposes of the voluntary winding-up.
3) That the Liquidators be authorised to act jointly and severally in the liquidation.
Office Holder Details: Jonathan E Avery-Gee and Stephen L Conn (IP numbers 1549 and 1762) of CG & Co, 17 St Ann's Square, Manchester M2 7PW. Date of Appointment: 20 August 2016. Further information about this case is available from Emma Verity at the offices of CG & Co on 0161 358 0210.
Rashid Jamil , Chairman