Bankruptcy Orders
Burton, Claire Maria
23 Grantham Avenue, Derby, DE21 4FG
Birth details: 24 October 1980
Claire Maria Burton, Employed of 23 Grantham Avenue, Derby, Derbyshire, DE21 4FG
In the Office of the Adjudicator
No 5012228 of 2016
Date of Filing Petition: 14 October 2016
Bankruptcy order date: 17 October 2016
Time of Bankruptcy Order: 00:00
Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition—Debtor's
M Mace 1st Floor, 2 Rivergate, Temple Quay, BRISTOL, BS1 6EH, telephone: 0117 9279515
Capacity of office holder(s): Receiver and Manager
17 October 2016