Notices to Creditors
(Company Number 01292873)
Registered office: BWC, 8 Park Place, Leeds, LS1 2RU
Principal trading address: Lanshaw Hall, Langbar, Ilkley, West Yorkshire, LS29 0XE
Notice is hereby given that the creditors of the above named Company, which is being voluntarily wound up, are required to prove their debts on or before 5 December 2016, by sending their names and addresses along with descriptions and full particulars of their debts or claims and the names and addresses of their solicitors (if any), to the Joint Liquidators at BWC, 8 Park Place, Leeds, LS1 2RU and, if so required by notice in writing from the Joint Liquidators of the Company or by the Solicitors of the Joint Liquidators, to come in and prove their debts or claims, or in default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before such debts or claims are proved.
Office Holder Details: Paul Andrew Whitwam and Gary Edgar Blackburn (IP numbers 8346 and 6234) of BWC, 8 Park Place, Leeds LS1 2RU. Date of Appointment: 17 July 2014. Further information about this case is available from Sue Bell at the offices of BWC at
Paul Andrew Whitwam and Gary Edgar Blackburn , Joint Liquidators