Bankruptcy Orders (Partnerships)

2017-01-192017-01-182017-01-27TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Casagrande, Stacey (Partnership)

Occupation Restaurateur t/a Caffe Spice, residing at 7 Cairnhill Crescent, Larne, BT40 2QT, carrying on business at 7 Upper Cross Street, Larne, BT40 1SZ

In the The High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland

No 100024 of 2016

Date of Filing Petition: 18 January 2017

Bankruptcy order date: 19 January 2017

Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition—Creditor’s