Recall of Sequestration
Recall of Sequestration
Mohammed Saadi
Notice is hereby given that on 5 January 2017 an application was presented to Glasgow Sheriff Court under Court Reference SQ1/17 by Mohammed Saadi, residing at 17 Carberry Road, Glasgow, G41 4DT, to recall the award of sequestration granted by the Sheriff at Glasgow on 8 August 2016, in which application the Sheriff by interlocutor dated 5 January 2017 inter alia appointed notice of the application to be published in The Edinburgh Gazette and appointed all parties claiming an interest to lodge answers with the Sheriff Clerk at The Sheriff Court House, 1 Carlton Place, Glasgow, G5 9DA, if so advised, within 14 days of such intimation, service and advertisement.
Mohammed Saadi
17 Carberry Road, Glasgow, G41 4DT