Transport Acts

Transport and Works Act 1992Transport and Works Act 1992, s. 6Highways Act 1980-0.08989151.506925SE1 9BBThe City of WestminsterThe London Borough of Southwark-0.13215751.528046NW1 2DNThe London Borough of Camden2017-05-052017-03-24-0.12930351.494637SW1P 4DRTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

The Transport and Works Act 1992

The Transport and Works (Applications and Objections Procedure) (England and Wales) Rules 2006

Proposed Network Rail (Suffolk Level Crossing Reduction) Order


Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (“Network Rail”) of 1 Eversholt Street, London, NW1 2DN, is applying to the Secretary of State for Transport under section 6 of the Transport and Works Act 1992, for the above-mentioned order under sections 1 and 5 of that Act.

This Order confers powers on Network Rail to close or downgrade the following level crossings:

County of Suffolk -

In the District of Forest Heath -

• Parish of Newmarket: S22 Weatherby

• Parish of Higham: S23 Higham

In the District of St. Edmundsbury -

• Parish of Barrow: S24 Higham Ground Frame

• Parish of Great Barton: S25 Cattishall

In the District of Mid Suffolk -

• Parish of Thurston: S27 Barrells and S28 Grove Farm

• Parish of Elmswell: S29 Hawk End Lane and S30 Lords No. 29

• Parish of Wetherden: S31 Mutton Hall

• Parish of Bacton: S11 Leggetts, S12 Gooderhams, S13 Fords Green and S69 Bacton

• Parish of Finningham: S16 Gislingham

• Parish of Gislingham: S17 Paynes

• Parish of Mellis: S18 Cowpasture Lane and S21 Abbotts

• Parish of Needham Market: S08 Stacpool

• Parish of Barham: S07 Broomfield

In the District of Babergh -

• Parish of Wherstead: S05 Pannington Hall

• Parish of Bentley: S04 Island and S03 Buxton Wood

• Parish of Brantham: S02 Brantham High Bridge and S01 Sea Wall.

In relation to these closures or downgrades the Order authorises the carrying out of works including the removal of the crossings and the diversion or redesignation of the status of certain footpaths, public roads, bridleways, byways open to all traffic and the creation of new rights of way. The Order also authorises the construction of the following specific works in connection with the creation of new public rights of way:

• In the District of St. Edmundsbury, Parish of Barrow: Work No. 1 (footbridge carrying path over a drain/watercourse)

• In the District of Mid Suffolk, Parish of Thurston: Work No. 2 (footbridge carrying path over a drain/watercourse)

• In the District of Mid Suffolk, Parish of Bacton: Work No. 3 (footbridge carrying path over a drain/watercourse

• In the District of Babergh, Parish of Wherstead: Work No. 4 (footbridge carrying path over a drain/watercourse)

• In the District of Babergh, Parish of Brantham: Works Nos. 5, 6 and 7 (footbridges carrying paths over a drain/watercourse).

The Order also confers powers for the construction and maintenance of works, including the creation of new rights of way; provides for compensation to be paid for any person who suffers loss as a result of the extinguishment of a private right of way; applies the compensation provisions of the Highways Act 1980 to the creation of new rights of way; permits Network Rail to acquire land and interests in land, including the temporary use of land, in connection with the construction of the scheduled and authorised works; authorises the temporary stopping up of streets; works in streets, traffic signs; and related purposes.

This application is not made subject to an environmental impact assessment.

The application contains a statement that a direction for deemed planning permission is being applied for.

Any objections to, or other representations about, the proposals in the application should be sent to the Secretary of State for Transport c/o Transport and Works Act Orders Unit, Department for Transport, Zone 1/18, Great Minster House, 33 Horseferry Road, London SW1P 4DR, email

An objection or representation MUST (i) be received by the Secretary of State on or before 5 May 2017, (ii) be made in writing (whether sent by post or email), (iii) state the grounds of the objection or other representation, (iv) indicate who is making the objection or representation, and (v) give an address to which correspondence relating to the objection or representation may be sent. (If you are sending your objection or other representation by e-mail, please provide a postal address and state "Network Rail Suffolk Level Crossing Reduction Order" in the subject of the email.)

The Secretary of State may make complete copies of the objections and other representations public, including any personal information in them, and will copy them to the applicant for the Order.

Winckworth Sherwood LLP, Solicitors and Parliamentary Agents, Minerva House, 5 Montague Close, London SE1 9BB, on behalf of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited.

Date 24 March 2017