Meetings of Creditors

1.29913152.628390NR1 3DT1.27475352.667479NR6 6BF2017-05-122017-04-112017-05-312017-05-182017-05-16The City of NorwichTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,


(Company Number 07242321)

Trading Name: Comms Supply

Registered office: Townshend House, Crown Road, Norwich NR1 3DT

Principal trading address: Kingswood House, Alkmaar Way, Norwich, NR6 6BF

Notice is hereby given by Chris Williams that a decision is to be sought from the creditors of the above named Company at a virtual meeting to be held on 31 May 2017 at 11.30 am by telephone conference. The purpose of the meeting is to seek nominations from creditors as to the membership of the creditors' committee.

In order for the votes to be counted creditors must attend the virtual meeting and vote either personally or by proxy and must have submitted proof of their debt (if not already lodged) at McTear Williams & Wood Limited, Townshend House, Crown Road, Norwich NR1 3DT by no later than 4.00 pm on the business day before the meeting and their proxy in advance of the meeting. Failure to do so will lead to their vote being disregarded.

Date of Appointment: 11 April 2017

Office Holder Details: Chris Williams (IP No. 008772) of McTear Williams & Wood Limited, Townshend House, Crown Road, Norwich NR1 3DT

For further details contact Katrina Southgate on Tel: 01603 877867 or email

Chris Williams, Liquidator

12 May 2017

Ag IF20870