Petitions to Wind Up (Companies)

-2.25267153.480918M60 9DJThe City of Manchester-2.24151753.480519M2 2ASInsolvency Act 19862017-09-292017-10-132017-10-162017-08-292017-10-03-2.13680751.999107GL20 8JG-2.35944053.312504WA16 6AYThe Borough of TewkesburyCheshire EastTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

In the High Court of Justice

Manchester District Registry No 2825 of 2017


(Company Number 07103224)

and in the Matter of the Insolvency Act 1986

A Petition to wind up the above named Company of Unit 1e Oldbury Buildings, Northway Lane, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 8JG presented on 29 August 2017 by EDMUNDSON ELECTRICAL LIMITED of Edmundson House, PO Box 1, Tatton Street, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 6AY claiming to be a Creditor of the Company, will be heard at Manchester Civil Justice Centre,1 Bridge Street West, Manchester M60 9DJ on 16 October 2017 at 10:00 hours (or as soon thereafter as the Petition can be heard).

Any person intending to appear on the hearing of the Petition (whether to support or oppose it) must give notice of intention to do so to the Petitioner or its Solicitor in accordance with rule 7.14 by 16:00 hours on 13 October 2017.

The Petitioner's Solicitor is Hill Dickinson LLP, 50 Fountain Street, Manchester M2 2AS. Telephone: 0161 817 7200 Fax: 0161 817 7201 email: Reference Number: MWO.1097164.348

29 September 2017