Crown Office
THE QUEEN has been pleased by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm dated 2 October 2017 to appoint:
Simon James Bryan, Esquire, Q.C.,
Akhlaqur Rahman Choudhury, Esquire, Q.C.,
Jonathan Lionel Cohen, Esquire, Q.C.,
Julian Nicholas Goose, Esquire, Q.C.,
Gwynneth Frances Dietlinde Knowles, Q.C.,
Julian Bernard Knowles, Esquire, Q.C.,
Peter Richard Lane, Esquire, Jane Clare Moulder, Matthew James Nicklin, Esquire, Q.C.,
Martin Benedict Spencer, Esquire, Q.C.,
David Basil Williams, Esquire, Q.C., and Amanda Louise Yip, Q.C.
to be Justices of Her Majesty's High Court.