Recall of Sequestration
The Luncarty Inn and Grill
Graham Fred Davidson
Suzanne Margaret Davidson
Peter Gordon Malcolm
Lorraine Michelle Malcolm
Notice is hereby given that on 6 December 2017 a petition was presented to the Sheriff Court at Perth on behalf of THE LUNCARTY INN AND GRILL, a firm carrying on business at Marshall Way, Luncarty, Perth, PH1 3UX; together with GRAHAM FRED DAVIDSON and SUZANNE MARGARET DAVIDSON, both residing at Tigh na Reilichan, Main Road, Luncarty, Perth, PH1 3EP; and PETER GORDON MALCOLM and LORRAINE MICHELLE MALCOLM, both residing at 13 Marshall Gardens Luncarty, Perth, PH1 3YX, as the whole partners of the said firm as such partners and as individuals, for recall of their sequestrations; in which petition the Sheriff at Perth by warrant dated 7 December 2017 appointed notice of the petition to be served, and advertised in the Edinburgh Gazette; and further appointed all persons having an interest to lodge written answers with the Sheriff Clerk at Perth Sheriff Court, Tay Street, Perth, PH2 8NL, if so advised, within fourteen days of intimation, service or advertisement and to appear at Perth Sheriff Court at 10.00 a.m. on 10 January 2018 to show cause why recall of the sequestrations should not be granted; notice of which is hereby given.
Sheana Campbell
Solicitor for the Petitioners
BBM Solicitors, 27 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2PA