Notices to Creditors
(Company Number NI613186)
Registered office: 17 Irvington Avenue, Kilkeel, Newry, Co. Down BT34 4BZ
Notice is hereby given that following a General Meeting of the Company on 16 March 2018, I, Seamas Keating of PKF-FPM Accountants Limited, 1-3 Arthur Street, Belfast, Co Antrim, BT1 4GA, was appointed Liquidator.
The Liquidator gives notice that pursuant to Rule 4.192 of the Insolvency Rules (Northern Ireland) 1991 that creditors of the above-named company are required on or before 30 April 2018 to send details in writing of any claim against the Company to the liquidator at the above address. No further public advertisement of invitation to prove debts will be given.
It should be noted that the Directors of the Company have made a Statutory Declaration that they have made a full enquiry into the affairs of the Company and that they are of the opinion that the Company will be able to pay its debts in full within a period of twelve months from the commencement of the winding-up.
Office Holder Details: Seamas Keating (IP number GBNI91) of PKF-FPM Accountants Limited, 1-3 Arthur Street, Belfast BT1 4GA. Date of Appointment: 16 March 2018. Further information about this case is available from the offices of PKF-FPM Accountants Limited on 02890 243131.
Dated this 21 day of March 2018
Seamas Keating , Liquidator