Notice of Intended Dividends
08246609Trading Name: Rextail
Previous Name of Company: Albemarle Restaurants Limited
Registered office: 26-28 Bedford Row, London, WC1R 4HE
Principal trading address: 13 Albemarle Street, London, W1S 4HJ
Notice is hereby given that it is my intention to declare a first and final dividend to unsecured Creditors of the Company. Creditors who have not yet done so, are required, on or before 20 April 2018, to send their proofs of debt to the undersigned, Stephen Katz (IP No. 8681) of David Rubin & Partners, 26-28 Bedford Row, London, WC1R 4HE, the Liquidator, and, if so requested, to provide further details or produce such documentary or other evidence as may appear to the Liquidator to be necessary. A creditor who has not proved his debt by the date specified will be excluded from the dividend. The first and final dividend will be declared within 2 months from 20 April 2018.
Date of Appointment: 26 October 2016
Further information on this case is available from the offices of David Rubin & Partners or alternatively Helene Vlahadamis can be contacted on Tel: 020 7400 7900.
Stephen Katz, Liquidator
28 March 2018
Ag SF122190