Flood Prevention
Notice is hereby given that Angus Council in exercise of powers conferred by the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009 made on Monday, 4 June 2018 the Arbroath (Brothock Water) Flood Protection Scheme (hereinafter referred to as the “proposed scheme”).
The effect of the proposed scheme will be to manage the risk of flooding within the town of Arbroath in the County of Angus from the Brothock Water.
The operations to be carried out under the proposed scheme include the construction of three flood storage areas along the course of the Brothock Water at Brothock Meadows, St Vigeans and its tributary at Hercules Den to control the flow of water down the Brothock Water at times of heavy rainfall. In addition, flood defence walls on the banks of the Brothock Water within Arbroath will be constructed or, where they already exist, strengthened and other ancillary works carried out, all with a view to the controlled channelling of the water carried by the Brothock Water through Arbroath and out into the North Sea.
These operations are designed to protect Arbroath from flooding from the Brothock Water up to a 1 in 200 year event (0.5% annual exceedance probability).
A copy of the proposed scheme documents comprising maps and plans showing the extent and scale of the operations and the land affected by them have been deposited at the following locations and may be inspected by any person, free of charge, at the times stated from Friday 8 June 2018:
Angus Council, Bruce House, Wellgate, Arbroath DD11 3TP
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9am - 4.45pm
Wed 10am ˗ 4.45pm
Arbroath Library, Hill Terrace, Arbroath, DD11 1AH
Monday 10am-7pm Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10am-5pm
Wednesday 10am-1pm
Saturday 10am-4pm
A copy of the proposed scheme documents can also be viewed online at www.angus.gov.uk/afps.
The proposed scheme is likely to have a significant effect on the environment. An environmental statement is available for inspection along with the proposed scheme documents.
Any person may object to the proposed scheme. An objection must be in writing, include the name and address of the person objecting and include a statement of the reasons for the objection. A written objection can be submitted either hardcopy (paper) or electronically (email). An objection on paper should be sent to the Service Leader – Legal and Democratic, Angus Council, Angus House, Orchardbank Business Park, Forfar DD8 1AN. An objection by email should be sent to Arbroathflood@angus.gov.uk. Objections must be received by 6 July 2018.
Where the person objecting has an interest in any land on which the proposed operations are to be carried out, or which may be affected by any of the proposed operations, or by any alteration in the flow of water caused by any of the operations, the objection must:
(a) detail the land in which the person objecting has an interest;
(b) disclose the nature of the person’s interest in the land; and
(c) detail which aspects of the proposed operations affect the person.
If no valid objections are made to the proposed scheme, then Angus Council will either confirm or reject the proposed scheme.
If valid objections are made to the proposed scheme, Angus Council will consider those objections and make a preliminary decision to either confirm the proposed scheme with or without modifications, or reject the proposed scheme.
Where the valid objection was made by a person to whom paragraph 5(6) of Schedule 2 of the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009 applies, the Council will notify Scottish Ministers of the preliminary decision. The Scottish Ministers will then decide whether or not to call in the proposed scheme for their consideration.
Where the Scottish Ministers decide to call in the proposed scheme, then unless all valid objections have been withdrawn, a public local inquiry will be held. After considering relevant material including the report of the person who held the public local inquiry, the Scottish Ministers will either confirm the proposed scheme with or without modifications, or reject the proposed scheme.
Where Angus Council took a preliminary decision and the proposed scheme was not called in by the Scottish Ministers (either because it did not have to be notified to them or they decided not to call it in following such notification), Angus Council will take a final decision to either confirm the proposed scheme with or without modifications, or reject the proposed scheme. Before doing so, if the proposed scheme was notified to the Scottish Ministers and they decided not to consider it, or if Angus Council otherwise considers it appropriate, it will hold a hearing to consider the proposed scheme.
To conclude the process, Angus Council will give notice of the decision to confirm or reject the proposed scheme. The proposed scheme only comes into effect if it is confirmed.
(Signed) Lisa J Dallas, Lisa Jayne Dallas, a Proper Officer of Angus Council
4 June 2018