
Petroleum Act 19982017-05-292017-06-122018-05-042018-05-082018-05-092018-05-182018-05-212018-05-232018-05-242018-05-252018-05-292018-05-302018-06-042018-06-052018-06-072018-06-122018-06-142018-06-152018-06-182018-06-202018-06-222018-06-272018-07-052018-07-24TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, customer.services@tso.co.uk307439228057



Pursuant to regulations 5A(7) and 5A(8) of the above Regulations, the Secretary of State gives notice of the following decision(s) in respect of the Secretary of State's agreement to the grant of consent in relation to a relevant project under regulation 5A(1)(c) of the above Regulations.

Reference Operator Project Name Quad/ Block Decision Issued
D/4204/2017 Maersk Oil North Sea UK Ltd South Maclure Field Development 9/18b, 9/19a and 9/23b 12/06/2017
Summary of representations received Consultees confirmed no objections to the project following receipt of additional information, and no representations were received in response to the public notice.
Main reasons / conclusions on which decision is based Main considerations related to seabed disturbance, marine discharges, atmospheric emissions and interference with other users of the sea, but impacts were localised and not significant.
Relevant mitigation measures, environmental conditions or monitoring conditions attached to decision Agreement was given to the issue of consent, providing all works undertaken as specified in the Environmental Statement. No specific environmental or monitoring conditions attached to the decision.
Reference Operator Project Name Quad/ Block Decision Issued
D/4203/2017 Premier Oil (E&P) UK Ltd Tolmount Area Development 42/28 18/06/2018
Summary of representations received Consultees confirmed no objections to the project, and no representations were received in response to the public notice.
Main reasons / conclusions on which decision is based Main considerations related to seabed disturbance, noise emissions, seabird disturbance and interference with other users of the sea, but impacts were localised and not significant.
Relevant mitigation measures, environmental conditions or monitoring conditions attached to decision Agreement was given to the issue of consent, providing all works undertaken as specified in the Environmental Statement. Key mitigation conditions related to survey of anchoring areas to avoid any archaeological interests, restrictions on vessel movements, the locations of spoil heaps and the management of piling works. No specific environmental or monitoring conditions attached to the decision.
Reference Operator Project Name Quad/ Block Decision Issued
D/4198/2017 Shell U.K. Ltd Fram 2 Field Development 29/3a, 29/4c, 29/8a and 29/9c 20/06/2018
Summary of representations received Consultees confirmed no objections to the project, and no representations were received in response to the public notice.
Main reasons / conclusions on which decision is based Main considerations related to seabed disturbance, marine discharges, atmospheric emissions and noise emissions, but impacts were localised and not significant.
Relevant mitigation measures, environmental conditions or monitoring conditions attached to decision Agreement was given to the issue of consent, providing all works undertaken as specified in the Environmental Statement, including commitment to seek a reduction in the impacts relating to the use of offshore chemicals. No specific environmental or monitoring conditions attached to the decision.

Having regard to the environmental statement(s) submitted under the above Regulations, any information provided under regulation 10 of these Regulations and any representations received, the Secretary of State has assessed the project(s) as not likely to have a significant effect on the environment and has agreed to the grant of consent under the Petroleum Act 1998.


Pursuant to regulations 6(11) and 6(12) of the above Regulations, the Secretary of State gives notice of the following decision(s), in respect of application(s) made under regulation 6 of the above Regulations requesting a direction confirming that a relevant project need not be accompanied by an environmental statement and confirming the Secretary of State's agreement to the grant of consent.

Reference Operator Project Name Quad/ Block Decision Issued
DRA/523 BP Exploration Operating Co. Ltd. Schiehallion Field P17 well 204/20 04/05/2018
DRA/524 BP Exploration Operating Co. Ltd. Schiehallion Field I17 well 204/20 04/05/2018
DRA/543 Premier Oil UK Ltd. Burgman Field BP2 well 28/9a 04/05/2018
DRA/544 Nexen Petroleum UK Ltd. Peregrine Field SFPB well 20/01 08/05/2018
DRA/354 Premier Oil UK Ltd. Burgman Field BP1 well 28/9a 09/05/2018
DRA/529 Apache Beryl I Ltd. Callater Field CC2 well 09/19b 21/05/2018
DRA/537 Apache Beryl I Ltd. Beryl Field A19Z well 09/13 29/05/2018
DRA/572 CNR International (UK) Ltd. Ninian Field C96 well 03/03 29/05/2017
DRA/558 Chrysaor North Sea Ltd. Maria 16/29a-13z Well 16/29a 07/06/2018
Main reasons / conclusions on which decision is based Main considerations related to marine discharges, atmospheric emissions and interference with other users of the sea. Chemical discharges assessed as no risk to marine environment and atmospheric emissions rapidly dispersed to background levels. Impacts assessed as localised and not significant.
Mitigation features / measures Agreement was given to the issue of consent, providing works are undertaken as specified in the application. Cuttings contaminated with Low Toxicity Oil -based Mud (LTOBM) will be shipped to shore for treatment and disposal. ?Works will be undertaken in accordance with applicable navigational conditions, and appropriate controls will be in place to reduce the likelihood of accidental events.
Reference Operator Project Name Quad/ Block Decision Issued
DRA/554 Chevron North Sea Ltd. Captain Field BB34 (RS040) well 13/22a 18/05/2018
DRA/535 Marathon Oil UK LLC Brae Bravo A44z well 16/07a 23/05/2018
Main reasons / conclusions on which decision is based Main considerations related to marine discharges and atmospheric emissions. Chemical discharges assessed as no risk to environment, and atmospheric emissions rapidly dispersed to background levels. Impacts assessed as localised and not significant.
Mitigation features / measures Agreement was given to the issue of consent, providing works are undertaken as specified in the application. Cuttings contaminated with low toxicity oil-based mud (LTOBM) will be shipped to shore for treatment and disposal. Appropriate controls will be in place to reduce the likelihood of accidental events.
Reference Operator Project Name Quad/ Block Decision Issued
DRA/556 Total E&P UK Ltd. Glendronach exploration well 206/04a 25/05/2018
Main reasons / conclusions on which decision is based Main considerations related to marine discharges, atmospheric emissions and interference with other users of the sea. Chemical discharges assessed as no risk to marine environment and atmospheric emissions rapidly dispersed to background levels. Impacts assessed as localised and not significant.
Mitigation features / measures Agreement was given to the issue of consent, providing works are undertaken as specified in the application. Works will be undertaken in accordance with applicable navigational conditions, and appropriate controls will be in place to reduce the likelihood of accidental events.
Reference Operator Project Name Quad/ Block Decision Issued
DRA/567 Maersk Oil North Sea UK Ltd. Lochranza Field LNW well 15/20a 05/06/2018
Main reasons / conclusions on which decision is based Main considerations related to marine discharges, atmospheric emissions and impacts on the seabed. Chemical discharges assessed as no risk to marine environment and atmospheric emissions rapidly dispersed to background levels. Impacts assessed as localised and not significant.
Mitigation features / measures Agreement was given to the issue of consent, providing works are undertaken as specified in the application. Cuttings contaminated with low toxicity oil-based mud (LTOBM) will be shipped to shore for treatment and disposal. ? Rig stabilisation deposits will be minimised and works undertaken in accordance with applicable navigational conditions. Appropriate controls will be in place to reduce the likelihood of accidental events.
Reference Operator Project Name Quad/ Block Decision Issued
PLA/545 ENI Hewett Ltd Hewett Field pipeline PL584 48/30 07/06/2018
PLA/546 ENI Hewett Ltd Hewett Field pipeline PL21 48/29 07/06/2018
PLA/500 Nexen Petroleum U.K. Ltd. Telford Field pipelines PL1275 and PL1276 15/22 12/06/2018
PLA/416 Shell U.K. Ltd. Bittern Field water injection pipeline PL1650 29/01 22/06/2018
PLA/517 Shell U.K. Limited Gannet E Field pipeline to Triton FPSO 21/30 27/06/2018
PLA/554 Total E&P North Sea UK Ltd. Lochranza Field pipelines PL4484, PL4485, PLU4486 and PLU3122 15/20 05/07/2018
Main reasons / conclusions on which decision is based Main considerations were the installation of infrastructure and deposit of materials on the seabed, and interference with other users of the sea. Impacts were localised and not significant. Chemical discharges assessed as no risk to marine environment.
Mitigation features / measures Deposits will be the minimum required to achieve objectives and both infrastructure and deposits will be designed to prevent unnecessary interference with other sea users. Works will be undertaken in accordance with applicable navigational conditions, and appropriate controls will be in place to reduce the likelihood of accidental events.
Reference Operator Project Name Quad/ Block Decision Issued
PLA/551 TAQA Bratani Ltd. Eider Field riser disconnect project 211/16a 04/06/2018
Main reasons / conclusions on which decision is based Main considerations related to atmospheric emissions and interference with other users of the sea, but impacts were localised and not significant., and
Mitigation features / measures Agreement was given to the issue of consent, providing works are undertaken as specified in the application. Works will be undertaken in accordance with applicable navigational conditions and designed to prevent unnecessary interference with other sea users.
Reference Operator Project Name Quad/ Block Decision Issued
PLA/560 Chrysaor North Sea Ltd. Lomond to North Everest pipeline preparatory works PL781 23/21 14/06/2018
Main reasons / conclusions on which decision is based Main considerations related to disturbance of the seabed and interference with other users of the sea, but impacts were localised and not significant.
Mitigation features / measures Agreement was given to the issue of consent, providing works are undertaken as specified in the application. Disturbance of the seabed will be minimal, and works will be undertaken in accordance with applicable navigational conditions and designed to prevent unnecessary interference with other sea users. Appropriate controls will be in place to reduce the likelihood of accidental events.
Reference Operator Project Name Quad/ Block Decision Issued
PLA/567? Total?E&P UK Ltd. Alwyn North Field freespan correction works PL1043 3/9a? 15/06/2018?
Main reasons / conclusions on which decision is based The main considerations related to the deposit of protective materials?and interference with other users of the sea.??
Mitigation features / measures Agreement was given to the issue of consent, providing works are undertaken as specified in the application. Deposits will be the minimum required to achieve objectives, and works will be undertaken in accordance with applicable navigational conditions and designed to prevent unnecessary interference with other sea users. Appropriate controls will be in place to reduce the likelihood of accidental events.?
Reference Operator Project Name Quad/ Block Decision Issued
PRA/154 Ithaca Energy (UK) Harrier Field commencement of production 30/06a 24/05/2018
Main reasons / conclusions on which decision is based Main considerations related to marine discharges and atmospheric emissions. Chemical discharges assessed as no risk to the environment; produced water discharge treated to meet permit conditions; and atmospheric emissions rapidly dispersed to background levels. Impacts assessed as localised and not significant.
Mitigation features / measures Agreement given to the issue of consent, providing production levels are as specified in the application.
Reference Operator Project Name Quad/ Block Decision Issued
PRA/9 Repsol Sinopec Resources UK Ltd. Auk Field increase in production 30/16 30/05/2018
PRA/12 Maersk Oil North Sea UK Ltd. Tullich Field increase in production 9/18b 07/06/2018
Main reasons / conclusions on which decision is based Main considerations related to marine discharges and atmospheric emissions. Chemical discharges assessed as no risk to the environment; produced water discharge treated to meet permit conditions; and atmospheric emissions rapidly dispersed to background levels. Impacts assessed as localised and not significant.
Mitigation features / measures Agreement given to the issue of consent, providing increases are as specified in the application.

Having regard to the relevant application(s) for direction(s) submitted under the above Regulations, the Secretary of State has assessed the project(s) as not likely to have a significant effect on the environment and has given a direction that the application for consent under the Petroleum Act 1998 need not be accompanied by an environmental statement. The main reasons and considerations on which this decision is based are summarised above, taking full account of the characteristics of the project, the environmental sensitivity of the areas likely to be affected by the project and the nature and significance of the potential impacts, as set out in Schedule 1 to the Regulations.


Pursuant to regulation 5(10) of the above Regulations, the Secretary of State gives notice that, having regard to the matters set out in regulations 5(2) and/or 5(2A) and Schedule 1 to the Regulations, the Secretary of State has decided that the operations in respect of which consent is sought would not be likely to have a significant effect on the environment and accordingly no environmental statement need be prepared in respect of the relevant project.

Reference Operator Project Name Quad/ Block
EX/38/2018 Apache Beryl I Ltd. Beryl Alpha - Pipeline Work 9/13
EX/39/2018 Dana Petroleum (E&P) Ltd. Guillemot West & North West - Pipeline Work 21/25
EX/40/2018 Dana Petroleum (E&P) Ltd. Pict - Pipeline Work 21/23
EX/41/2018 Dana Petroleum (E&P) Ltd. Bittern - Pipeline Work 29/1
EX/42/2018 Dana Petroleum (E&P) Ltd. Triton - Pipeline Work 21/25
EX/43/2018 Repsol Sinopec Resources UK Ltd. Scapa Field water injection valve installation and deposits to support tie-in spool PL4068 14/19
EX/44/2018 Repsol Sinopec Resources UK Ltd. Shaw Field SP2 well pipeline disconnection 22/22
EX/45/2018 Maersk Oil North Sea UK Ltd. Gryphon Field Riser Base B, valve skid and tee piece installation 9/18b

Further information in relation to all of the decisions detailed in this notice can be found on the GOV.UK website at:


If you have any questions in relation to this notice or the decisions, please contact the Environmental Management Team, Offshore Petroleum Regulator for Environment and Decommissioning (OPRED), AB1 Building, Crimon Place, Aberdeen AB10 1BJ (e-mail: emt@beis.gov.uk).