Customs & Excise

CUSTOMS AND EXCISE MANAGEMENT ACT 1979Customs and Excise Management Act 19792018-12-07TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,


Pursuant to Section 139(6) of the Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 (hereinafter the Act) and paragraph 1 of the Schedule 3 thereto, the Commissioners of Revenue & Customs hereby give notice that by virtue of the powers contained in the Customs and Excise acts certain goods namely:

17280 Victory KSF Cigarettes

14200 Marlboro KSF Cigarettes

4000 Davidoff Red KSF Cigarettes

4800 Dunhill Blue KSF Cigarettes

8640 Benson & Hedges Gold KSF Cigarettes

4820 Karelia Slims Cigarettes

6000 Davidoff Gold KSF Cigarettes

7200 Dunhill Blacks Cigarettes

2000 Davidoff Gold Slims Cigarettes

have been seized as liable to forfeiture by force of the following provisions:

Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 Section 139

If you claim that the said vehicle is not liable to forfeiture you must within one month from the date of this notice of seizure give notice of your claim in writing in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of Schedule 3 of the Act.

If you are outside the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man you must give the name and address of a solicitor in the United Kingdom who is authorised to accept services of process and act on your behalf. If you do not give proper notice of claim within the said period of one month or if any requirement of the above mentioned paragraph 4 is not complied with the goods will be deemed to have been duly condemned as forfeited.

If you do give notice of claim in proper form, the Commissioners will take legal proceedings for the condemnation of the goods.

Please send any notice of appeal to the following address;

Specialist Investigations

Appeals & Reviews team

PO Box 29992


G70 6AB


Telephone Number: 01622 760402