Notice of Intended Dividends
In the County Court at Brighton
No 439 of 1996
Iain Shepherd
In Bankruptcy
First and Final Dividend Iain Shepherd, who at the date of the bankruptcy order, 23/01/1997, Unemployed, resided at 2 Sennicotts Cottage, West Broyle, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 9AJ, lately carrying on business as a Maritime and Computer Consultant, trading as S C S UK from 17 Charter House, Lord Montgomery Way, Portsmouth, PO1 2SU NOTE: the above-named may no longer have a connection with the addresses listed.
Birth details: 25/06/1954
Bankrupt's occupation: Unemployed
Notice is hereby given that I intend to declare a Dividend to unsecured Creditors herein within a period of 2 months from the last date of proving. Last date for receiving proofs: 25/02/2019
Contact details: Mr D Gibson, LTADT Ipswich, Dividend Team, PO Box 16665, Birmingham, B2 2JX. Tel: 01473 383535,